Top 5 points benefit of mixing of tulsi leaves and milk.

टॉप 5 – दूध में तुलसी के पत्‍ते मिलाकर पीने के क्‍या हैं फायदे।

Top 5 points benefit of mixing of tulsi leaves and milk.

अक्सर हमारे आस पास बहुत सी ऐसी चीज़ या कहे तो ऐसे औसधि होते है जिनके बारे में या सही तरह से उपयोग करने के बारे में हम नाइ जान पाते है ।
इस ब्लॉग पे आपको ऐसी ही एक पौधे के  बारे में थोड़ी सी जानकारी मिलेगी जिसका नाम है तुलसी। कृपया करके पूरा पढ़े।

क्‍या आप जानते हैं कि तुलसी को अगर दूध के साथ मिला लिया जाये तो ये कई बीमारियों के लिए रामबाण साबित होती है। आज हम आपको बता रहे हैं, तुलसी की तीन से चार पत्तियां उबलते हुए दूध में डालकर खाने से होने वाले कुछ फायदे।


दूध में तुलसी के पत्‍ते मिलाकर पीने के फायदे

Doodh me tulsi milakar pine ke fayede

घरेलू नुस्‍खे बिना किसी साइड इफेक्‍ट के कई बीमारियों को दूर करते हैं। पीढि़यों से चले आ रहे ये नुस्‍खे हमेशा से फायदेमंद साबित हुए है और शायद आगे भी होते रहेंगे। ऐसे ही कुछ टिप्‍स तुलसी को लेकर भी है। तुलसी एक ऐसा हर्ब है जो कई समस्याओं को आसानी से दूर कर सकती है। सर्दी जुकाम हो या सिरदर्द तुलसी का काढ़ा बनाकर पीने से लाभ मिलता है। लेकिन क्‍या आप जानते हैं कि  तुलसी को अगर दूध के साथ मिला लिया जाये तो ये कई बीमारियों के लिए रामबाण साबित होती है। आज हम आपको बता रहे हैं कैसे तुलसी की तीन से चार पत्तियां उबलते हुए दूध में डालकर खाली पेट पीने से आप सेहतमंद रह सकते हैं।


तनाव कम करें

आजकल की जीवनशैली के चलते तनाव की समस्‍या बहुत आम हो गई है। लेकिन गर्म दूध में तुलसी मिलाकर पीने से नर्वस सिस्‍टम रिलैक्‍स होता है। यह स्ट्रेस हार्मोन को नियंत्रि‍त कर एंजाइटी और डिप्रेशन से बचाता है, जिससे व्‍यक्ति का तनाव अपने आप कम हो जाता है। अगर आप भी किसी प्रकार के डिप्रेशन या चिंता से ग्रस्‍त है तो दूध में तुलसी डालकर उसका सेवन अवश्‍य करें। इसके अलावा अगर आप रह-रहकर सिर में दर्द होता है तो दूध में तुलसी मिलाकर रोजाना सुबह पीना बहुत फायदेमंद हो सकता है। इससे आपको धीरे-धीरे आराम‍ मिलता है।


सांस संबंधी रोगों में लाभदायक

जानें दूध में तुलसी के पत्‍ते मिलाकर पीने के क्‍या हैं फायदे
अगर किसी व्‍यक्ति को अस्‍थमा या अन्‍य कोई सांस सम्‍बंधी रोग है तो उसे प्रतिदिन सुबह तुलसी और दूध का सेवन करना चाहिए। तुलसी और दूध में एंटी-बैक्टीरियल गुणों के कारण इससे उसकी बीमारी कुछ ही दिनों में सही होना शुरू हो जाएगी। इसके अलावा तुलसी वाला दूध फ्लू को जल्‍द ठीक करने में मदद करता है। तुलसी में मौजूद एंटी-इन्फ्लेमेंटरी तत्वों के कारण ये फ्लू के लक्षणों को दूर कर आपको जल्‍द ठीक होने की शक्ति प्रदान करता है।


किडनी, दिल और कैंसर के लिए अच्‍छा

हृदय रोग से ग्रस्‍त लोग या उनके परिवार में किसी को पहले हुआ हो और उन्‍हें होने की संभावना हो, तो ऐसे लोगों को रोज सुबह खाली पेट दूध और तुलसी का सेवन करना चाहिए। इससे ह्दय स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य अच्‍छा हो जाता है। अगर किसी व्‍यक्ति को किडनी में स्‍टोन होने की शुरूआत हुई है तो उसे दूध और तुलसी का सेवन करना चाहिए, इससे किडनी का स्‍टोन धीरे-धीरे गलने लगता है। तुलसी में कई एंटीबायोटिक और एंटीऑक्‍सीडेंट गुणों के साथ दूध में सारे अन्‍य पोषक तत्‍व होते हैं, जो कि इम्यून सिस्टम मजबूत करते हैं। जिसकी वजह से कैंसर जैसी घातक बीमारी, शरीर के कमजोर न होने की स्थिति में पनप नहीं पाती है।


बुखार का इलाज करें

तुलसी में बहुत ही शक्तिशाली कीटाणुनाश, कवकनाशी, एंटी-बैक्‍टीरियल और एंटीबायोटिक गुण होते है जो बुखार का इलाज करने में मददगार होते हैं। इसमें मलेरिया के आम संक्रमण के कारण होने वाले बुखार का इलाज करने की क्षमता होती है। आयुर्वेद में तो बुखार से पीड़ित लोगों को तुलसी के पत्‍तों को काढ़ा देने की सलाह दी गई है। बुखार होने पर आधा लीटर पानी में थोड़ी सी तुलसी की पत्तियां और इलाइची पाउडर को मिलाकर उबाल लें। जब यह उबलकर आधा रह जाये तो इसमें दूध और चीनी मिलाकर काढ़ा बना लें। इसे हर दो से तीन घंटे के बाद पीएं। यह उपाय बच्‍चों के लिए विशेष रूप से अच्‍छा होता है।
जानें दूध में तुलसी के पत्‍ते मिलाकर पीने के क्‍या हैं फायदे.


कैसी लगी ये जानकारी कमेंट करके हमे जरूर बताइएगा और अपने दोस्तों से जरूर साझा करें।

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

 Top 10 Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

You are reading the Top 10 Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice in Yoga Age. In this Blog you will get many information mostly related to health.

This short-stemmed plant is quite popular for various medical treatments. Aloe Vera is also used in the manufacturing of medicine as an important chemical. Drinking aloe Vera juice daily is known for its ultimate health benefits.  There are ample of flavors which are merged together with this natural herb and shrub. Amla-aloe Vera with wheatgrass juice and other products are beneficial for skin as well as a strengthening of the body. Aloe Vera comprises different flavor such as:

  •  Aloe vera juice with fiber and orange flavor

  • Amla-aloe Vera with wheatgrass juice

  •  Aloe vera juice with fiber

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice:

Consuming it daily can provide you various health benefits such as:

1. Hydration:

In summers it works like an energy drink which can help you in overcoming from dehydration. You can choose Aloevera juice of any flavors and can consume daily. It can help you in keeping your body hydrated by flushing impurities. It contains nutrients, which can increase your stamina by optimizing organ output.

Children's can also have it because in summers, because while playing they feel low. It plays a vital role in the functioning of kidneys and liver. For recovery, after heavy exercise, Aloe Vera is the best substitute for rehydration. No doubt that after hectic schedule we feel low, in such cases our body needs extra fluids. Hence you can try Aloe Vera juice with fiber for revitalizing.

2.  Boosts Immune System:

It is a natural immune enhancer, which helps in dealing with free radicals. It works as an anti-oxidant which regenerates the energy level as well as helps in removing aging signs. Taking Aloe vera juice with fiber and orange flavor helps in the nourishing body organ. Orange is known for its sweet flavor as well as is good for the skin. Hence we can say that a combination of these ingredients can help you in boosting the immune system.

3.  For better liver functioning:

As for proper functioning of the liver, Aloe vera juice is known as a natural remedy. After drinking it you will also realize that your liver functions perfectly when all essential nutrients are supplied in your body. Amla-aloe Vera with wheatgrass juice can provide nourishment and hydrate your body. The combination of amla, aloe vera and wheatgrass is rich in phytonutrients.

4.  Reduces heart attack risks:

For enhancing blood quality aloe-vera is a perfect remedy. Today heart stroke has become common diseases. So for proper blood flow, oxygen as well as nutrients you can trust on Aloe vera juice with fiber. Regular intake of aloe vera can maintain blood flow so that can circulate properly. By this, the risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke get decreased.

5.  Boost Nutritious:

It helps in getting rid of various diseases as well as boost nutritious. Aloe vera juice contains ample nutrients. So you can choose the flavor of your own choice to overcome from deficiencies. The important vitamins or minerals added in aloe vera juice are vitamins C, E, B, and folic acid.

6.  For proper digestion:

It is a foremost method which you can use for treating constipation problems. Either you can use Amla-aloe Vera with wheatgrass juice or orange flavor for improving bowel movements.

7.  Treating skin problems:

For nourishing your skin or treating acne or wrinkles aloe vera is the perfect solution. People generally use it as a skin treatment, so consuming it as a healthy diet can provide you ample of benefits.

8.  For healthy gums:

Aloe vera is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial property. It can heal bleeding gum problems as well as helps in getting rid of ulcer.

9.  Boost energy level:

The aloe vera juice also works as energy drinks; so you can choose any one of them such as:

  • Aloe vera juice with fiber and orange flavor

  • Amla - aloe Vera with wheat grass juice

  • Aloe vera juice with fiber

10. Stabilize blood sugar:

Even diabetic patient can have it for lowering down the sugar level. It reduces triglycerides and provides nourishment in the body. So it is considered as an energy drink for diabetic patient.

PLEASE NOTE- Breast feeding mother and Pregnant one should avoid Aloevera juice and always consult your physician before consuming.

Please donot forget to share your feedback with us.



In old age or in ancient time when there was time of rishi's , munis that time all use to prefer Ayurveda because of many reason . The ayurvedic treatment is very essential it does'nt have a single side effects so it was mostly used in early days. as time goes on we people make a distance from our old culture and treatment technology. But in this present days  we are again switching toward the ayurveda 

Mommies, grannies and aunties from the neighbourhood have been giving us gharelu nuskhas since time immemorial, on various troubles we face. Be it the homemade antidote to stress, cure to the adamant ache, pre and post do(s) and don’t(s) on various health troubles.

Ever wondered where did all of this come from?

AYURVEDA is a form of age-old natural healing therapy. The word "Ayurveda" has its root in Sanskrit, meaning "life-knowledge".Tibetan, Chinese, Greek medicine to have adopted various remedies from it.

The main purpose of Ayurveda is to sync our internal environment first and then sync it with the external world. Ayurvedic specialists respect physical presence, mental presence, and identify it as a unit, with each component affecting the other. Ayurveda has eight approaches to analyze ailment, called Nadi, Mootra, Mala, Jihva, Shabda, Sparsha, Druk, and Aakruti. It helps us to maintain the balance of vaak, pitta and kapha in the body. The ongoing research that involves various related zone, is one of the evidence of how rapid is the growth of Ayurveda. So, why would anyone visit a doctor that frequent and pop in the not so needed medicines when Ayurveda comes in handy.?

Please don't forget to share your suggestion with me  .

From Digestion to Diabetes : Top Health Benefits of Triphala Churna

From Digestion to Diabetes : Top Health Benefits of Triphala Churna

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have an antidote to all ailments? It would make life so much more convenient to have one medicine that can address and cure different remedies. A real panacea is not impossible but readily available. Triphala Churna is such an antidote. From healing digestion to regulating the level of glucose in the blood, there is almost no health complication that a pinch of Triphala Churna cannot cure.
What with busy schedules and cutthroat pace of life, we always forget to be careful of what we eat, and that's where all the health issues begin. Taking care of the diet is very important, but what's more important is a dash of Patanjali Triphala Churna that can keep you fit and active, and help you lead a happy life free of health issues.

What are the health benefits of Triphala Churna?

Triphala churna is composed of a blend of three healthy fruits which have been in use in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. All three of the fruits are highly nutritious and beneficial for health, but when combined, they have a more significant impact on the healthy physiological functioning of the body.
The fruits in Triphala include Amla or Indian gooseberry, Haritaki or Vibhidaka, and Bibhitaki or Harad. The best Triphala churna available belongs to Patanjali. You can either buy Triphala Churna online or go for the offline outlets of Patanjali. The most impressive health benefits of Triphala churna include the following:

Improves digestion

l  Triphala churna is excellent for enhancing the process of digestion. It is the best digestive product. It acts as a digestive tonic and cleanses the digestive tract as well.
l  The mildly laxative nature of Triphala churna aids in the prevention and cure of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Promotes weight loss

l  Triphala churna aids in enhancing the metabolism, which is good for shedding the extra pounds.
l  Taking Triphala churna also helps to flush out the toxins and keep the gastrointestinal tract clean.
Develops physical energy
l  You can take Patanjali Triphala Churna to fight against fatigue and lethargy and boost the body energy.

Boosts the immune system

l  Triphala churna is rich in antioxidants which works against toxic free radicals and fights against oxidative stress.
l  This action helps to strengthen the immune system.

Protects the hair and skin

l  Triphala churna can fight against dermatological problems like eczema and acne.
l  It contains a host of nutrients that work to preserve the health and beauty of hair and skin.

Enhances vision

l  Triphala churna is suitable for ocular health. It helps to improve vision and also aids in the prevention of grave eye diseases like cataract and glaucoma.
l  Besides, you can use Triphala churna juice as an eyewash as well but only upon the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.


l  Triphla in diabetes works similar to other diabetes medicines because it inhibits digestive (glycolytic) enzymes thus decrease blood glucose levels.
l  A study of noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients demonstrates that consuming 5gm of Triphala powder for 45 days lowers levels of blood glucose.

Patanjali Triphala Churna

Patanjali Triphala churna is available in the form of powder and is incredibly affordable. Instead of popping in costly chemical pills you can take Patanjali Triphala churna powder to cure the different disorders. It is wholly Ayurvedic and excellent for the natural treatment of constipation, digestive troubles and eye-related problems as well. Don’t empty out the contents of the bottle in just a day, otherwise that might trigger digestive troubles. Patanjali Triphala Churna is 100% herbal and completely devoid of harmful side effects. If you are suffering from chronic constipation and indigestion then try a dash of Triphala Churna at least once a day to drive out the gastrointestinal woes and live life in digestive peace.

Triphala churan has no side effect if you consume it under as per the direction of physician. please give your valuable feedback .

Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes

Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes


This is the one of the best ayurvedic medicine of Diabetes. This  YOGA AGE blog contain full details about related to the diabetes .
there are so many ayurvedic medicine available in the market most of them having so many side effect. but the divya madhunashini vati doesn't have any side effect.

Certainly, diabetes is one of the concerning problems in the country, and that’s one of the reasons why doctors and the medical board are focusing on getting the most appropriate treatment.
But being a hormonal problem, it is really very hard to cure diabetes, especially if it is a chronic health problem. The lack of insulin renders the hepatic and the muscular cells incapable of transforming the glucose into glycogen. This hormonal deficiency is highly dependent on the way you spend your life, on your food habits, and also on your psychological state.
Under such complicated circumstances, it is quite believable if we say that herbal medicines do have the potential to change the future for diabetic patients.
Over the years, this particular branch of Indian medicine has developed at a dramatic rate, one that is impressive enough to compel the individuals to shift towards Ayurveda. And when it comes to ayurvedic diabetes medicine, one thing we can never ignore is the dominant help that the medicine has done.

What is diabetes mellitus and how it is caused?

Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes is a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. The pancreatic gland fails to produce enough insulin that would help the liver to convert the glucose into glycogen.
As a result, the blood glucose levels increases and soon it appears in the urine of the patient. A particular cause for this hormonal deficiency is still not known. However, presumptions have been made.
1.      Stress is said to be one of the major causes of diabetes mellitus.

2.      Those who are obese are at high chances of suffering from diabetes.
3.      Genetics are also said to be a major influencer of diabetes.

Why ayurvedic medicine is the best for diabetes treatment?

Often you wonder why ayurvedic medicines are on the rise, despite the fact that other branches of the medical science are developing and getting modified. However, being related completely to the herbal medicines, Indian Ayurveda has always linked the natural ways of healing with the individual’s mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being.
But that’s the generic description about what kind of help ayurvedic medicines provide. On a broader scale, we can have an insight into the entire benefits of the Ayurveda.
So, let’s have a look!
1.    Ayurvedic medicines are completely natural and the medical formulas are derived from the herbal compounds. This makes the ayurveda one of the best diabetes remedies.
2.    There are no side effects of consuming ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of diabetes.
3.    Ayurvedic medicines kick start slow but are very much effective in the long run.
4.    As a diabetes medicine, they are the best because they do not cause any other sort of hormonal imbalance in the body.

Is Patanjali ayurvedic medicine worth a try?

Now, when you are planning to buy ayurvedic diabetes medicine, nothing else can be as good as the Patanjali product specifically made for diabetic patients. Divya Madhunashini Vati extra power has ranked amongst the top diabetes remedies. The medicine boosts the nervous system, enhances the immunity and also solves the diabetic onset problems.

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